the nicest part of stalking my own facebook account is that....... i.. actually have a lot of friends. despite of all "foto aib" and "status alay", i still feel happy and proud of myself ehehe. ga bisa tidur (wkwk belum pengen tidur deng), yo gur ra ceto, scrolling scrolling nganti mataku pedes dewe. ncen ra nduwe gawean, yowes lah, asik yoan melakukan hal ra mutu ngene iki.
i still feel like i miss the old days with my friends (di bold underline italic ya) how i could be such a mean girl and a lot of laughter wkwk how i didn't really give a damn about anything at all wkwk or how i could be so stressed over a relationship, wtf haha how my friends are so annoying and so jealous for my life wkwk opo to yang yang
i just miss them, if i could go back, tapi ya aku nggak bisa. nggak mau ah. haha. im happy for what i am right now and thank God, i can make through the way. i just want to appreciate for the things that are given to me, i really wish they stay longer, but, i have to know another experiences.
sometimes, the only thing you can do is letting go. karena untuk setiap hal, pasti ada masanya. but don't you worry because you'll keep them in your memory. (sok tegar banget, padahal bosok njerone)